Anxiety Doesn’t Have to Run Your Life.
You Can Find JOY Again.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy reduces anxiety by changing the way you see the world.
Hey! I’m Sam.
I love helping ambitious people finally free themselves of anxiety and start having fun again, because I used to be stressed, overwhelmed and anxious too.
I was convinced that I had to do everything exactly right, or I’d loose everything I’d worked so hard to build. While I was successful, I never felt satisfied.
Before getting here, I bet you tried to get well on your own too. You read all of the books. You listened to all of the podcasts. You tried all the latest cleanses and detoxes, but nothing really worked.
Chasing perfection is a losing game.
On the surface, things are still looking great. You appear to “have it all”, but, on the inside, things are falling apart. You feel stressed, overwhelmed and out of control.
It doesn’t have to be like this, and I can show you another way.
I help driven people just like you manage their anxiety, stress and irritable bowel syndrome. You can gain stability and finally enjoy your success.
If you are ready to do the hard work of changing your life, I’d love to talk to you.

Start Enjoying Your Life Again
From the Blog
Takeaway: In this post, I’ll explain why moving on from mistakes is so challenging, and I’ll offer practical strategies to move forward with confidence.
Why is it so hard to move on from mistakes?
Moving on from mistakes is difficult for high achievers for many reasons. Often, high achievers struggle with perfectionism, the belief that they have to do everything “exactly right” in order to avoid a negative outcome.
As a result, making mistakes comes at a very high cost. Not only are they facing the consequences of the mistake itself, but they are also dealing with the fear that comes from failing to be perfect.
Mistakes are often connected to feelings of shame or guilt. Thoughts connected too strong emotions are tough to shake.
Many high achievers have a fixed mindset. They believe that they are “naturally” good or bad at any task. As a result, making mistakes is very closely tied to their sense of who they are as a person. ie: “I’m a failure.” “I’ll never be good at this” “I always screw up”
Perfectionists also tend to over-emphasize mistakes. They believe that if they use mistakes as an opportunity to learn, they’ll never make the same mistake again. This is great in theory, but in practice, perfectionists often ruminate on errors and fail to see their successes.